1. To develop students' knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of electronics.
2. To enable students to apply electronic principles to the design and development of real-world systems.
3. To provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to analyze and solve problems in electronic engineering.
4. To foster an appreciation of the importance of ethical conduct within the electronics profession.
5. To equip students with the ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams to develop electronic systems.
Applications for this course received after 30th June 2020 may not be accepted. In addition, a deposit will be required to secure a place.
1. 贝尔法斯特女王大学电子学项目录取要求:
- 学士学位:二分之一以上,或类似学位;
- 研究生学位:优秀的学术表现,通常要求学士学位类似学科的二等荣誉学位或以上;
- 英语语言要求:达到官方规定的最低英语水平要求。
2. 学士学位要求:GPA需二分之一以上。
3. 学士学位要求:-GPA需二分之一以上。研究生学位要求:需要类似学科的二等荣誉学位或以上。英语语言要求:达到官方规定的最低英语水平要求。
4. 见上答案。