

  • 原学校:合肥工业大学
  • 原专业:无机非金属材料工程
  • GPA:3.6 | 4
  • 标化成绩:IELTS:6
  • 背景提升:如何提升背景?
  • 主要经历:
    Chengdu Jinghua Adhesive New Material Co., Ltd. 06/2019-09/2019
    - Intern as Materials Engineer
     Did researches on high thermal conductivity graphite film and PET tape raw materials
     Supported on the modification and performance tests of products
    Chengdu Youtry Polymer Materials Co., Ltd. 06/2017-09/2017
    - Intern as Assistant Engineer of Product Development
     Assisted R & D engineers to analyze design foam, plastic and technical parameters
     Supported in drawing engineering drawings, and organized technical documents
     Carried out material performance test specifications and standards, and participated in various
    material test experiments
     Responsible for analysis of test data and finished analysis reports

    Study on Compound Modification and Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution of Silicon-based
     Participated as Project Leader
     Excellent Closing Project of Hefei University of Technology
     Research on Construction and Performance of Silicon Nanoarray
     Prepared b-Si silicon nano-array structure by metal-assisted chemical etching method
     Studied the effect of etching solution concentration and etching period on silicon nanostructures
     Explored the light absorption properties and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution properties of
    different silicon nanostructures
     Study on Construction and Properties of b-Si / Au Binary Heterojunction
     Achieved deposition of Au nanoparticles on the surface of silicon nanoarrays by vapor deposition
     Controlled the morphology and composition ratio of the binary heterojunction by controlling the
    Au-injection time and current
     Explored the light absorption properties and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution properties of bSi / Au binary heterojunctions
    Design of Secondary Reducer (Course exercise of machine design)
     Participated as Team Leader
     Calculated the reducer parameters
     Drawn the part drawing and assembly drawing
     Enhanced the ability of independent design and problem-solving

1. 首先,我有这个出国留学的打算非常晚,大概是在去年六月份才决定下来要出国。这样时间就非常赶,同时语言成绩也没有,而且如个人背景、经历这方面几乎是没有时间去提升了。

2. 雅思备考。由于很久没碰英语,个人英语水平比较垃圾,第一次备考了两个月5.5(由于自己考的是9.30那一场,出成绩都到了10.27)等成绩期间也没有接着看。等出成绩后才又继续复习,备考一个月11.30考到6

3. 雅思成绩很低,只有6(5),自己是工科,只能满足某些个别学校的语言要求,而且时间已经来到了1月份,最终决定还是先开始申请。找申请中介结构是个问题。都是觉得我背景不错,但是语言成绩只有6,说来说去还是不敢接(因为语言成绩低,学校选择面小,很多中介都不想担责任),最终非常感谢wordsunny。

4. 1月初,恰逢自己考试周,大四上的成绩也重要,不敢疏忽大意。所以等考试周结束,才开始全力准备申请。时间非常赶,因为有些事情在学校里办会很方便,如果一回家,如:盖章,签字什么的没办法完成。好在wordsunny老师非常负责任(非常感谢班主任Danny老师,人美心善负责任。),Brain老师和Danny老师跟我一起商讨时间线,安排每一项具体任务,一起有条不紊的顺利走完,赶上了申请的末班车。

5. 大学期间身为班长和学院学生骨干,个人喜欢与人相处,善于沟通交流,组织管理能力较强。台湾交换经历,在台湾与台湾同学和老师建立了非常好的情谊。成功拿到台湾大牛老师推荐信。

6. GPA85.2,一等奖学金,优秀学生干部,东睦奖学金等其他奖项若干,合肥工业大学2020届优秀毕业生,两段实习经历,一次大创科研经历。

7. 申请遇到困难就是迟迟没有语言成绩,还有时间紧迫。




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