- GPA:3.8 | 4
- 标化成绩:TOEFL:95
- 背景提升:如何提升背景?
- 主要经历:
Project Member | HKUST Electronic & Computer Engineering (ECE) Department SEP 2018 – DEC 2018
• A UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) project A Robot Tour Guide led by Prof. LIU Ming
• The project aimed to build an autonomous robot that is able to automatically do localization, mapping, navigation and
interact with users.
Project Member | HKUST Electronic & Computer Engineering (ECE) Department JUN 2017 – AUG 2017
• A 2-month Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) focusing on Autonomous Driving Robots
• Major responsibilities covered image processing part of the location mapping procedure
Team Member | HKUST RoboMaster Team (ENTERPRIZE) SEP 2017 – SEP 2018
• Robomaster is a robotics competition held by DJI.
• As a member in Computer Vison team, responsible for enable robot to identify and locate handwritten numbers in the real
world battle field.
• As a regular team member, helping assembly robots and test robots.
• Knowledge in Computer science, software, hardware, mechanical is enhanced.
Intership | SenseTime (商汤科技) MAY 2019 – AUG 2019
• Worked as an AI platform developer in IVA (intelligent video analysis) group Video Processing Service team.
• Studied knowledge about video processing, acceleration on network inference and commercialized intelligent video
processing platform.
• Mainly responsible for crowd analysis task, system testing and advanced technology exploration.
Research Assistant | Computer Vision in the Dark Supervised by Prof. Qifeng CHEN AUG 2019 – Present
• Propose the idea to explore more information from raw image acquired in dark environment.
• Design a new loss to more suitable for image descriptor on raw image.
• Design a deep neural network that takes a raw image and predict the likelihood of pixels being a key point and its feature