

  • 原学校:香港浸会大学
  • 原专业:国际新闻研究
  • 均分:88.29
  • GPA:3.6 | 4
  • 标化成绩:IELTS:7
  • 背景提升:如何提升背景?
  • 主要经历:
    Bain & Company Job Position: Strategic Consultant Assistant 06/2018-08/2018
    ♦ Work as part of a team to complete making a formulate strategic planning for transformation for a cell
    phone manufacturer, and a fleet strategy for an automobile manufacturer
    ♦ Do marketing research, make casebooks, provide and analyze industry data, collect information from annual reports
    ♦ Translate documents and files from Chinese into English
    Luzhong Morning News Agency Job Position: Intern Journalist 01/2019-04/2019
    ♦ Help my director selecting news topics and do interviews in person
    ♦ Write news stories about local events; Attend government press conferences and write news reports
    ♦ Assist the company to execute brand PR activities and help writing press releases
    ♦ Assist in the video team in shooting a video story
    Shandong Radio-Television Station Job Position: Intern director of TV Program 01/2018-03/2018
    ♦ Assist in director team producing daily TV program Happy Old Age; Writing script, contact guests, and live shooting
    ♦ Responsible for the writing of social media press releases and promotional copywriting for every episode
    Mazars CPA Limited, Shandong Branch Job Position: Intern in Audit & Assurance 01/2017-02/2017
    ♦ As part of the audit team, complete annual audit of a manufacturing group; Collecting audit raw data; Analyze
    financial statements; Writing evaluation reports; Carry out substantive program testing; Check the inventories.
    China Construction Bank, Zibo Branch Job Position: Assistant Bank Customer Manager 07/2016-08/2016
    ♦ Marketing credit cards and wealth management products, sometimes do outdoor marketing on campus or exhibitions
    ♦ Assist in verifying the authenticity of the installment loan and its progress
    ♦ Receive clients, telephone follow-up my clients, dealt with complaints in a timely manner

    Risk Perception Mechanism and Risk Avoidance Policy of Overseas Online Shopping Consumers 11/2016-05/2018
    Current Status of High-level Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents in Hubei Province 07/2017-09/2017
    Sifangluke Software Co. LTD. Startup Project (Marketing Part) – Luqiaobang Mobile Application 08/2017-10/2017




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