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阿克伦大学是一所位于美国俄亥俄州的公立研究型大学。根据2019年《US News美国大学排名》数据,阿克伦大学在全美大学综合排名中位列第293名。此外,根据《Times Higher Education世界大学排名》数据,阿克伦大学在全球大学综合排名中位列第1001-1200名。

阿克伦大学提供了丰富的学科专业,包括工程学、商学、法学、艺术与科学等领域。根据《US News美国大学本科工程类专业排名》,阿克伦大学的工程类专业在全美排名中位居100名左右,其中化学工程、土木工程、化学专业更是进入了前70名。此外,阿克伦大学的商学院在全美商学院综合排名中位列500名左右。


Regarding the ranking of the University of Akron, it is important to note that rankings may vary between different sources. According to the 2019 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings, the University of Akron is ranked 293rd in the overall national university category. In addition, according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, the University of Akron is ranked in the range of 1001-1200 globally.

The University of Akron offers a wide range of academic disciplines, including engineering, business, law, arts and sciences, among others. In the U.S. News & World Report undergraduate engineering program rankings, the University of Akron's engineering programs are ranked around the top 100 nationally, with its chemical engineering, civil engineering, and chemistry programs ranking in the top 70. Additionally, the University of Akron's business school is ranked around 500 in the overall national business school rankings.

In terms of applying to study at the University of Akron, WordSunny留学 is a professional study abroad application guidance platform that has a pool of application mentors from renowned universities around the world. It provides guidance and support for students throughout the study abroad application process. WordSunny留学 has a wide range of cases and testimonials, demonstrating their commitment to delivering a comprehensive service to students.

Although rankings can provide a general understanding of a university's reputation, it is important for students to also consider other factors such as their own academic goals, specific program offerings, campus environment, and available resources when making decisions about their study abroad plans. WordSunny留学 is dedicated to helping students become outstanding talents with an international perspective, providing expert guidance to ensure a smooth application process and minimize any unnecessary detours.





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