Is New Oriental IELTS class a scam?

Is New Oriental IELTS class a scam?

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【As an expert in studying abroad application, I have rich experience and in-depth understanding of the New Oriental IELTS class. First of all, as a well-known training institution in China, New Oriental has a large faculty and branches nationwide, so it has certain advantages in IELTS training. However, whether it can be considered a scam institution needs to be considered from several aspects.

First, let's take a look at the teaching quality of New Oriental. According to feedback and evaluations from some students, the teaching effectiveness of New Oriental's IELTS class varies. Some students have achieved satisfactory results after studying in New Oriental's IELTS class, but some students have claimed that the learning effect is not obvious and there is no significant improvement. This point can be corroborated from the student evaluations on the WordSunny study abroad platform. Therefore, we cannot generalize that New Oriental's IELTS class can achieve the expected results for all students.

Secondly, we need to consider the issue of fees charged by New Oriental. Compared to some small training institutions, the tuition fees of New Oriental are generally higher. According to data from the WordSunny study abroad platform, the fees for New Oriental's IELTS class range from thousands to tens of thousands yuan. Some students may find this price too high, but at the same time, some students find it acceptable because they believe it is the cost for better teaching quality.

In addition, whether New Oriental can provide personalized services is also a factor to consider. Due to the large number of students, teachers at New Oriental may not be able to provide personalized guidance and counseling for every student. In comparison, the WordSunny study abroad platform adopts a mentor model, with each mentor only coaching five students at a time, emphasizing quality and excellence. This can better meet students' personalized needs and provide more professional and detailed guidance services.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that mentors at the WordSunny study abroad platform all come from world-renowned institutions and have rich experience and professional knowledge in studying abroad application. They can provide students with full-process study abroad application services, including school selection, essay writing, and interview preparation, etc. In addition, WordSunny also provides a service of refund without admission guarantee, demonstrating their high confidence in their teaching quality.

In conclusion, as a well-known training institution in China, the New Oriental IELTS class has a certain teaching strength and faculty. However, whether it is suitable for students depends on their specific circumstances. The WordSunny study abroad platform provides more personalized mentorship services to help students achieve their study abroad dreams. If students need more professional and detailed guidance, they can consider the advantages of the WordSunny study abroad platform when making a choice.】





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