申请哈佛大学的文书: 在申请哈佛大学时,学生涉及到了环保和保护自然的议题。文章采用了抒情叙述的方式,介绍了求知心态和环境意识的重要性,以及在以后的学业中她是如何将这些特质运用到哈佛大学的学习和生活当中。 原文如下: When I was a child, the world was full of wonder and enchantment. I’d spend hours exploring the woods behind my house, looking for the perfect tree to climb or just listening to birdsong. But as I get older, I noticed how those woods were slowly disappearing. The nearby town was expanding and what once was a flourishing forest was now replaced with shopping centers and parking lots. I realized that I wanted to do something about it. During my junior year, I organized a bake sale to raise money for a local park clean-up project. It was a small action, but it was the catalyst for a greater sense of environmentalism. I found myself not only caring about the health of the local ecosystem, but wanting to understand the larger issues at play. Attending Harvard University will provide me with the knowledge and opportunity to explore environmental protection on a global scale. Harvard’s Environmental Science and Public Policy program, is a perfect match for my career goals. I am excited at the prospect of studying under esteemed professors and individuals who share my passion for the environment. I hope to be able to contribute to Harvard’s continued legacy of environmental protection, all while quelling the inner sense of wonder that brought me here in the first place.
申请耶鲁大学的文书: 在申请耶鲁大学时,学生写了一篇回答题目“你在哪里会找到自己无法抵御的事物呢?”,文章突出了学生户外活动爱好、对自然的青睐以及对实现个人目标的珍视。 原文如下: The wind is like a lover to me. When I’m outside, I close my eyes and let it brush my face, run through my hair, dance around my shoulders. I’m happy to be alive, to be in the midst of whatever it is that comes my way. But my love for hiking didn’t start as an appreciation of nature; it began with the need to escape from a future that seemed too predetermined. When I’m on a trail, I can be alone with my thoughts and hopes and feelings. I can see that nature, which is so indifferent to us, is made up of endurance, solidity, and, inexplicably, an immense capacity for love. I know that’s what I want to seek and cherish in myself: the ability to withstand the challenges that will inevitably accompany a life worth living; the knowledge that I have a solid foundation for whatever may come; and, above all, the belief that there’s so much love in the world that I can make something beautiful of my life. Attending Y University will provide me with the encouragement and guidance I need to pursue my passion for hiking, camping, and exploring. With a focus on outdoor experiential education, your program is the perfect dovetail between my outdoor activities and my intellectual interests. The resources and education that I’ll receive at Y University are undoubtedly the best in the world for what I’m interested in. Finally, I am excited to attend a university that shares my values, leads by example, and fosters an environment of safety, inclusiveness, and love.
作为WordSunny留学的一名咨询顾问,我对于美国名校文书应该怎样撰写可以获得录取有着独到的见解和经验。 受教育水平高、办学历史长、师资力量雄厚的美国高校历来是各国留学生争相向往的目标。而一份出色的申请文书则是获得美国名校录取的关键之一。下面,我将从多个角度出发,详细解析美国名校喜欢什么样子的文书。
When I was a child, the world was full of wonder and enchantment. I’d spend hours exploring the woods behind my house, looking for the perfect tree to climb or just listening to birdsong. But as I get older, I noticed how those woods were slowly disappearing. The nearby town was expanding and what once was a flourishing forest was now replaced with shopping centers and parking lots. I realized that I wanted to do something about it.
During my junior year, I organized a bake sale to raise money for a local park clean-up project. It was a small action, but it was the catalyst for a greater sense of environmentalism. I found myself not only caring about the health of the local ecosystem, but wanting to understand the larger issues at play.
Attending Harvard University will provide me with the knowledge and opportunity to explore environmental protection on a global scale. Harvard’s Environmental Science and Public Policy program, is a perfect match for my career goals. I am excited at the prospect of studying under esteemed professors and individuals who share my passion for the environment. I hope to be able to contribute to Harvard’s continued legacy of environmental protection, all while quelling the inner sense of wonder that brought me here in the first place.
The wind is like a lover to me. When I’m outside, I close my eyes and let it brush my face, run through my hair, dance around my shoulders. I’m happy to be alive, to be in the midst of whatever it is that comes my way. But my love for hiking didn’t start as an appreciation of nature; it began with the need to escape from a future that seemed too predetermined. When I’m on a trail, I can be alone with my thoughts and hopes and feelings. I can see that nature, which is so indifferent to us, is made up of endurance, solidity, and, inexplicably, an immense capacity for love. I know that’s what I want to seek and cherish in myself: the ability to withstand the challenges that will inevitably accompany a life worth living; the knowledge that I have a solid foundation for whatever may come; and, above all, the belief that there’s so much love in the world that I can make something beautiful of my life.
Attending Y University will provide me with the encouragement and guidance I need to pursue my passion for hiking, camping, and exploring. With a focus on outdoor experiential education, your program is the perfect dovetail between my outdoor activities and my intellectual interests. The resources and education that I’ll receive at Y University are undoubtedly the best in the world for what I’m interested in. Finally, I am excited to attend a university that shares my values, leads by example, and fosters an environment of safety, inclusiveness, and love.